Professional Associations for Translators and Interpreters
Whether you are looking for a translator or interpreter or would simply like to find more about what translators, interpreters, and lecturers
do, we hope our site will provide all the answers you need.
Translators and interpreters accredited or certified by a translators association
have indicated their memberships in their profiles.
Translators and Interpreters Associations of the United States
American Translators Association |
American Literary Translators Association |
California Court Interpreters Association |
Translators and Interpreters Associations of Canada
Literary Translators' Association of Canada |
Canadian Translators and Interpreters Council |
Translators and Interpreters Associations of Great Britain, Ireland,
Australia, and New-Zealand
Institute of Translation & Interpreting (UK) |
Irish Translators' Association |
Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators |
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters |
Directory and Meeting Place of Practising Translators and Interpreters
(Target Language English)
The directory is a meeting place and a mine of information not only for those who
offer language services but also for their customers:
Directory of translators and interpreters
Directory of translators and interpreters
The TRADUguide directory of translators and interpreters allows you
to specify not only the professional association (e.g. ATA, the American
Translators Association or NZSTI, the New Zealand Society of Translators and
Interpreters), language combination (such as
Singhalese-English, or
Chinese-English), the native language
(English) but also the country of
residence of the English translator (e.g. United States of America or United Kingdom
to choose American English or British English native speakers etc.).