
TRADUguide - Your Guide to Translators and Translation Agencies

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TRADUguide is a platform where translators and their clients meet. It is the largest language service provider portal in Germany and is active all over the world. Its name is derived from "traduction" - the French word for translation - and "guide".

For those who need language services TRADUguide is a guide to experienced translators, talented interpreters and translation agencies worldwide. Its sophisticated features are designed to facilitate cooperation.

Who is our audience - who are our members?

Primarily, our audience includes translators and translation agencies as well as companies of all industries. Currently, TRADUguide has 158273 members.

  • 86 % freelance translators/interpreters.
  • 14 % translation agencies.

This member profile and audience of our website - mainly providers of languages services - are especially attractive for marketers and agencies.

Which marketing opportunities does TRADUguide offer?

There are two ways to reach your audience at TRADUguide: Banners and newsletter ads.

A. Banners

Reach both the TRADUguide members and the TRADUguide audience in one buy.


  • Competitive placement on TRADUguide's most frequented pages, including Home, Find a job, Directory.
  • Broad exposure


  • A banner is a rectangular ad space that can contain static or animated content. Banners are a fixed position ad that appears on top the page (full banner or half banner) or on the right side bar (half banner only).


  • File type: GIF, JPEG, FLV.
  • Dimensions: full banner 468w x 60h (max size 120 k); half banner 234w x 60h (max size 75 k)

B. Newsletter ads

TRADUguide publishes a newsletter among its members in case of special events. The newsletter informs about the latest features and trends of TRADUguide. You may choose to place an ad text within the newsletter text.


  • Type: plain text or html
  • Size: max 400 characters including spaces

If you would like to place a banner or newsletter ad, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • By phone at +49.5621.963 56 95
  • By email at



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