
TRADUguide - Your Guide to Translators and Translation Agencies

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Are you looking for a good and competent translator or interpreter?

This is the place - whether you need the translation of a document or an interpreter for a business meeting or the localization of a software or just a proof-reader to check an already translated text.


Receive and compare prices quotes from translation providers online

Translation buyer

This is how it works...

  • Enter your request in an easy-to-fill form and you will be through with it within 2 minutes.
  • Competent translators - among them many native speakers - send their price quotes. You will be notified of every new quote.
  • You compare the price quotes and select the best suited translation provider for your project.

You are not obligated until you accept a specific translator and his/her terms of service.

Key features

  • Quickly receive price quotes from translation providers
  • No obligation until you accept a specific translator and his/her terms of service
  • Simply compare translation providers and their prices online
  • Choose from translators not only in Europe but also from everywhere in the world
  • Specify who should send price quotes (e.g. select native speakers only)
  • Select the best suited translation provider through our job management

Questions and answers

How does TRADUguide work?

TRADUguide is a platform where translators and their clients meet. Our easy-to-fill form allows you to ask for price quotes for your project. You select the best suited translator among all quotes received and contact him/her directly to agree upon the details.

How can I ask for price quotes?

Enter your request in our form page. Select a language pair and a special field (if necessary). Give a short description of what you need translated. Finally you may enter a text sample to show the translators what it is. On a second page you enter your contact information so that we can notify you of every price quote.

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How will I be notified of price quotes?

All translators who match your requirements will automatically be notified of your request. Interested translation providers enter their price quotes in a standardized form. You will be notified of every price quote. You click a link in the notification email to read a price quote. The job management tool lets you easily compare all quotes online and/or print. Then, you should select the best suited translator and contact him/her directly to agree upon the details.

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When should I ask for a sample translation?

If you have a large translation project we recommend that you ask for a short sample translation of one or two paragraphs in order to assess a translator's translation quality.

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What does this service cost?

Posting a job and the use of the job management tool to compare price quotes are free of charge. But please note that the translation itself is NOT free of charge. There is NO commission for TRADUguide.

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