12 months featured membership
6 months featured membership
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Featured membership versus guest membership
Featured member |
Guest member |
Chances to get posted jobs
Access to jobs limited to featured members - quote right away
Yes |
No |
Less competition on limited job postings - better prices
Yes |
No |
Access to jobs not limited to featured members - chances for all
Yes |
Yes |
More safety with jobs
Access to the complete* contact information of a job poster - more safety before accepting a job
Yes |
No |
Unlimited access to the ALL outsourcer profiles listed in the feedback forum - check the reliability of translation outsourcers
Yes |
No |
Exposure for more client contacts
High position in the directory - be among the first who are contacted by potential clients
Yes |
No |
Profile page with photograph and downloadable CV - save marketing time
Yes |
No |
Random display of your photo or logo on the home page - instant contacts with potential clients
Yes |
No |
Click-through counter - track visits to your profile
Yes |
No |
Cooperation with colleagues
Access to the translation agencies list - find new business partners
Yes |
No |
Access to the job posting system - find suitable translators/interpreters for your project
Yes |
Yes |
Access to Conges Terminology Help - get instant help with difficult terms
Yes |
Yes |
Access to Group Email - save time and contact many TRADUguide members at a time for cooperation
Yes |
No |
* Contact information provided by the job poster him/herself. TRADUguide cannot be held responsible for the
correctness or completeness.