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4016 visits to this profile



Featured TRADUguide member

Katharine Oden

Translating for the marketing, literary, and Social Sciences sectors.

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Country of residence

United States

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Arts / Entertainment
Non-fiction books




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Company profile

German > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting

2010– current
Freelance Translator, German>English
Recent freelance projects include two romance novels released on Amazon, 38,000 words for a Canary Island travel agency, and the foreword to a textbook on neuroethics for Prof. Dr. Jim Bernat of Dartmouth Medical School.

Freelance Editorial Support, Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture,
Justus Liebig University (Giessen, Germany).

Translated 5 book chapters on popular media and violence, a total of 38,000 words (2018-2019).
Translated a 9,550-word scholarly essay on apocalyptic literature (October 2017).
Translated a 7,650-word university statute (May 2017)
Translated 25,000 words for JLU Giessen University's public website, viewable here (Winter 2014).
Charged with (English) proofreading 6 academic volumes published in Germany as of the end of 2019.
Regularly referred for proofreading and editing – for example, to scholars editing doctoral theses.
Serve as proofreader for the quarterly journal of book revews, "KULT_online."

Pricing / Other services

I currently work at a rate of $0.035-$0.06/word.


comparative literature, literary translation, social sciences, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, linguistics, history, arts, theater studies.

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