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Ad augusta per angusta!





Sciences/Non-fiction books

Additional services

Language instruction
Desktop Publishing (DTP)
Web Design
Project Management


As a doctor in education, even if my native language is French, I spent my whole professional life doing my research in English. Beginning with my doctorate thesis.
As a master in French literature, I can also give the most accurate translation.
As a retired person, I have all the availability needed to work under pressure and to give the best and the fastest service, which I proved in the translation jobs I made during the last 5 years. My first specialization is in education but I can also make very good translations in social sciences, history, geography, marketing, finance, different technical domains etc.

Pricing/Other services

As I said in my presentation, I am now taking advantage of a retire plan. That's why I can have low fares. I would be interested in translating for 0,08 cents per word. I can also translate Web sites directly in the HTML application


pedagogy, education, marketing, psychology, social sciences, history, geography, tourism, international cooperation, business


Native language/Country

French / Canada

Language combinations

English > French
  - Translating



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