Specializations |
Technical/Engineering Software/IT Law/Certificates Sciences/Non-fiction books
services |
Project Management Consulting
Career/Experience |
Dr.- Ing. Joachim Kehr
Expert for Technical/Engineering Translations
My experience is based on over 30 years in the International space business as flight operations & ground segment development engineer and operations manager with the German Space Agency (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / DLR - Oberpfaffenhofen / Munich).
My professional career comprises four years of training at various NASA facilities (Goddard Spaceflight Center, Jet Propulsion Lab, Johnson Space Flight Center).
My duties included legal negotiations of design and development contracts with the major European Aerospace Companies under contract of the European Space Agency (ESA) requiring English as prime language for all documentation and legal matters.
In 2005 I established my own company ("SpaceConsult" ) working as technical consultant and freelance translator for various aerospace related companies.
In addition I am acting Editor of the multinational satellite operations oriented online Journal "SpaceOperations Communicator" (http://opsjournal.org).
In 2008 I was part of the translation team for the "Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik" (HANSER Verlag, ISBN978-3-446-41185-2), published by Wiley, Ltd : "Handbook of Space Technology" (ISBN 978-0-470-69739-9).
in 2012 appointed as Chief Translator of the Herman Oberth book "Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen" : "The Rocket into Planetary Space", De Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-486-74187-2, e-ISBN 978-3-486-74712-6, 2014 .
My specialty is the translation of documents covering technical design and operations aspects in particular for Communications- (voice, video), Data Handling-, Data Processing-, Navigation- and Propulsion-Systems.
With this professional background I am able to understand and explain complex technical systems and deliver high-quality translations utilizing state-of-the-art engineering language.
Please visit my FB Profile
services |
Regular price range. PayPal accepted.
Keywords |
technical translations, technical contracts, technical procedures, technical handbooks, technical User Manuals, space, satellites, communications systems, Dr. Joachim Kehr, spaceconsult,
language/Country |
/ Germany
combinations |
English > German
- Translating - Proofreading
German > English
- Translating - Proofreading