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Patricia Gatti

Fast Turnaround, I Translate in California While You Sleep





Sciences/Non-fiction books


Patricia Gatti
Spanish Translator for Latin America and Europe
1001 Bridgeway #138
Sausalito, California 94965
Phone: (415) 269-4984

Summary Native of Argentina. Fifteen years as a professional English-Spanish translator. Graduate of University of Buenos Aires. Specialize in translation of marketing collateral including point-of-sale advertisements, websites, packaging, brochures, merchandise descriptions, articles, newsletters, books, and corporate documents.

Some of my Clients Translation Projects:

Client: Conceptus, Inc.
Project: Company Valuation Report.
Methodology: Terminology research, translation, editing.
Deliverable: All translated documents delivered ahead of schedule.

Client: Blue Orange Games
Project: Rule Instructions
Methodology: Terminology research, translation, editing.
Deliverable: All translated documents delivered ahead of schedule.

Client: Integrated Yoga Therapy
Project: Yoga Tools for Balancing the Chakras.
Methodology: Translate and adapt terminology for Spanish speaking
yoga and meditation teachers from South America.
Deliverable: 8,000 words delivered on schedule for teachers training.

Client: Calitina Inversiones S.A.
Project: Website for the Argentine market.
Methodology: Terminology research, translation, editing.
Deliverable: Complete website delivered ahead of schedule.

Client: TransPacificDigital
Project: Website, videos, catalogues for athletic clothing companies.
Methodoloty: Terminology research, translation, editing.
Deliverable: All jobs trnslations delivered ahead of schedule.

Client: Patagonia
Project: Merchandise tags and point-of-sale materials for 1997 to
2012 Spring and Fall seasons. Videos transcriptions.
Methodology: Research terminology used in target countries to select
the most effective marketing messages. Translate and edit text, and proof
camera-ready documents.
Deliverable: One hundred and twenty hang tags and several posters and
brochures, containing over 9,000 words, translated on schedule.

Client: Oak Solutions Group
Project: Product manual
Methodology: Research terminology used in the wine industry, create a glossary and work with a third party proof reader, professor of Spanish language, located in Argentina
Deliverable: 29,330 words, translated on schedule.

Education: Public Translator. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Pricing/Other services

Pricing: depending on project


business, real estate, yoga, food, apparel, environment, tourism, history, web site, wine, art, health, recycling, vacation, travel, vineyard, olive oil, entertainment, farming, fashion, paintings.


Native language/Country

Spanish / United States

Language combinations

English > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover



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