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Mirjam Schafroth

Actions speak louder than words! Send a short text for a sample translation!







I have already worked for an international business law firm translating business and legal texts, in particular all kinds of contracts.

I have already worked for an international 3D software firm translating software documentations.

Pricing/Other services

For new customers I offer to translate about 100 words for free so that he/she can get an impression of my skills.

My rates are
0.12 EUR per word (contracts and medical translations)
0.10 EUR per word (business correspondence, general texts, marketing translations etc.)
Certification: + 10.00 EUR

Certification / Accreditation /
Sworn translator

English > German
Publicly appointed and sworn translator for the English language

German > English
Publicly appointed and sworn translator for the English language


translations, business contracts, certified translations Übersetzungen, Verträge, beglaubigte Übersetzungen


Native language/Country

German / Germany

Language combinations

English > German
  - Translating
  - Proofreading



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