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Technical/Scientific translations-Oil&Gas/General Eng.

Let me know what you need and I'll get it done!





Sciences/Non-fiction books


Microsoft Office


I am pleased to offer you our translation services. I lead a multidisciplinary collaborative group of translators that offer you high quality and reliable translations in a wide range of subjects, mainly related with Oil&Gas industry. We work using Memsource as the collaboration CAT tool.

We have worked for companies in Mexico, US and Canada in the fields of Telemetry, SCADA's, oil and gas standards, electrical installations, software in general, administrative documents, among others. These are some of the translation projects that we have participated in:

-NRF-181-PEMEX-2010: Electrical Systems in offshore platforms.
-NRF-036-PEMEX-2010: Classification of Hazardous Areas and Electrical equipment selection.
-NRF-111-PEMEX-2006: Measuring Equipment and Metrology Services.
-NOM-001-SEDE-2005: Electrical Installations. Mexican Official Standard.
-et. al.

Our services also extend to French - English pair and we have good knowledge of the InSitu and Oil sands mining processes carried out in the northern Alberta, Canada region.

We offer you support via Skype and e-mail before, during and after the translation process, in order to clarify all your questions. Let us know what your specific needs are and we can look for different alternatives to get your project done.

We are looking forward to collaborate with you.

Best regards,
M Sc. Abel Padilla Mijares.

Skype: abelpm22

Pricing/Other services

Translation/Revision services in the following pairs:

- Spanish - English
- French - English
- Portuguese - English

Please contact us for specific inquiries and more information (Enlgish,French,Spanish, Portuguese).


Petroleum, Tech, Engineering, SCADA, telemetry, electricity, electronics, software, development, code, drilling, standard, norm, specifications, databases, historians, optics, installations Calgary, translator, traductor, traducteur, traduttore, tradutor, document, documento, technical, technik, técnico, engineering, ingeniería, environment, medio ambiente, environmental, ambiental, water quality, chemistry,química, business, retail, comercio, logistics, logística, distribution, distribución, operations, operaciones, manual, actas, minute, minuta,Alberta, Canada, oil & gas, oil, gas, petroleum, petróleo, well completion, fracking, pozo, refinery, refinería, casing, InSitu,In Situ,Mining,OilSands,Oil Sands


Native language/Country

Spanish / Canada

Language combinations

English > French
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
English > Portuguese
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
English > Spanish
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
  - Copywriting
French > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
Portuguese > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading
Spanish > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading



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