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Arvid Eldring

Engineer-30 years experience in technical translations





Sciences/Non-fiction books

Additional services

Language instruction
Project Management



Name Arvid Kolbjørn Eldring
Adress Mytna 401
98553 Mytna/Okres Lucenec

Mobil +421(948)098 754
Nationality : Norwegian

Professional activities:

2000-present : Consultant chemical process technology, recruiting agency human resources, Slovakia. Freelance translator

1984-2000 Area manager, marketing and sales of components and systems for the chemical industry Europe and Asia, company Sulzer- Chemtech, Winterthur, Switzerland
Working languages: German, French and English.(Tenders,engineering - and marketing documents,contracts)
1982-83 Independent consultant technology transfer, Geneva, Switzerland
1982-84 Working languages: German, French, English, Norwegian

1975-82 Technology licensing manager Stauffer Chemical, Geneva, Switzerland. Working languages English, French, German(Engineering documentation, tenders and contracts. Envronnment:Among licensed technologies: SO2 abatement from industrial off-gases, producing sulphur.
1973-75 Senior process engineer, Environmental Systems Union Carbide, Geneva and Antwerp, Belgium. Working languages English, French
1969-73 Process engineering and development polyester plants, Inventa, Switzerland
Working language German
1967-69 Production trainee, planning and operation of aluminium plants, Switzerland and Italy, company Alusuisse, Switzerland. Working languages German, Norwegian, Italian
1964-67 Market development and sales of epoxy resins, Shell Norway, Oslo.Working languages English and Norwegian

1962-66 Student N.T.H(Norwegian Technical University), Trondheim, Norway finalized as Siv.Ing. Industriell Kjemi(MSc. Chemical Engineering, Processtechnology)


Languages: French, English, German, Norwegian, written and orally, Slovak, Italian, orally.

Pricing/Other services

Translation :

0.05€-0.065€/word depending on degree of difficulty.

Proof reading : 0,03 €/word


Business,chemistry,chemical engineering,civil engineering, contracts,technology, patents,marketing, sales,investment,financing,litterature,history


Native language/Country

Norwegian / Slovak Republic

Language combinations

Danish > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Danish > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Danish > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
English > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
English > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
French > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
French > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
French > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
German > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
German > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Norwegian > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Norwegian > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Swedish > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Swedish > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Swedish > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
Slovak > Norwegian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading



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