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Katharina Lanz






Sciences/Non-fiction books


Microsoft Office
SDL Trados

Additional services

Language instruction
Conferences/Trade Fairs


After many years as an in-house translator, interpreter and proofreader in the plastics processing industry I would like to offer my expertise in translating business documents of any kind. I have translated commercial documents of a wide variety, incl. general and business correspondence, offers, contracts, reports, marketing materials for trade fairs and other purposes, company brochures and technical documents

The experience I gained as an in-house translator now forms the basis for my work as a freelance translator and interpreter and led to the following specializations in the technical field:

Plastics Processing
Plastics Recycling
Pipe Extrusion
Civil Engineering
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Quality Management
Export and Import

Furthermore, I offer interpreting services on international fairs and exhibitions.

Certification / Accreditation /
Sworn translator

English > German
Chamber of Industry and Commerce - Dortmund

German > English
Chamber of Industry and Commerce - Dortmund

French > German
Chamber of Industry and Commerce - Düsseldorf
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris


Übersetzer in Ahlen, Dolmetscher in Ahlen, Kunststoff, Kunststoffverarbeitung, Englisch, Französisch,


Native language/Country

German / Germany

Language combinations

English > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
French > German
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading
German > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Proofreading



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