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professional translations- German to English





Sciences/Non-fiction books


Microsoft Office
SDL Trados

Additional services

Language instruction


-Berlin based native English speaker
-over 10 years experience as a translator from German to English
-professional, accurate and reliable
-related experience:
° qualified business English teacher (15 years)
° external examiner for LCCI ( London Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
° over 10 years experience as a market research consultant in London
-proofreading and sub editing skills

Specialist in business translations including: brochures, job descriptions, websites, presentations and CV's.

Extensive professional experience as a translator in several other fields including: music, media,architecture,medical,technical and economics.

Recent translations:
-over 100 job descriptions, candidate profiles and CV's for a leading European recruitment agency
-academic papers on climate change and market economics for the Friederich Neumann Stiftung für die Frieheit (Freedom Foundatiion)
-a comprehensive prospectus for the Bauhaus Museum featuring historical and contemporary developments
-a website for a Berlin-based catering company
-magazine article about a radio station in Cameroon
-a published thesis on John Baptist Jackson's chiaroscuro woodcuts
-medical text assessing the development of treatments for malaria and related conditions
-technical manual for Marshall Echohead

- in Berlin lebender Engländer
- über 10 Jahre Erfahrung als Übersetzer vom Deutschen ins Englische
- professionell, genau, zuverlässig
- relevante Qualifikationen
°qualifizierter Business English Lehrer (15 Jahre)
°LCCI-Prüfer (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
°über 10 Jahre Erfahrung als Market Research Consultant in London
- Korrekturlesen

Spezialist für Business-Übersetzungen, z.B. Broschüren, Stellenbeschreibungen, Websites, Präsentationen und Lebensläufe. Weiterhin umfangreiche Kenntnisse in anderen Bereichen wie Musik, Media und Wirtschaft.

Kürzliche Übersetzungen:
- Über 100 Stellenbeschreibungen, Kanditaten-Profile und Lebensläufe für eine führende europäische Job Agentur
-Akademische schriftliche Ausabeitungen über Klimawechsel und Marktwirtschaft für die "Friedrich Neumann Stiftung für die Freiheit"
-Ein ausführlicher Prospekt für das Bauhaus Museum über historische und moderne Entwicklungen der Bauhaus Bewegung
-Website für eine Gastonomie Firma in Berlin
-Magazinartikel über eine Radiostation in Kamerun
-Akademische schriftliche Ausarbeitungen über John Baptist Jackson's chiaroscuro Holzschnitte


BA Hons in Philosophy from University of Sussex
Certificate in Literacy/ESL
RSA UCLES Certificate in TEFL


e-m-g Personalberatung
10117 Berlin

Pricing/Other services

My prices are competitive but I charge according to degree of complexity/difficulty starting at 0.08 Euro per source word. Please contact me for further details.

Minimum price-25 Euro for less than 300 words
Proofreading from 20 Euro per hour

See my website for further information:


Business, marketing, job description, profile, CV, brochure, website, recruitment, presentations, climate change, music, entertainment, catering, media,technical,medical, economics, architecture, culture, Ubersetzer englisch- deutsch, Witschaft, Lebenslauf, Ubersetzung, translator English- German, translation


Native language/Country

English / Germany

Language combinations

German > English
  - Translating
  - Proofreading



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