Specializations |
Technical/Engineering Business/Marketing/Financial Software/IT Law/Certificates Medical Arts/Entertainment Sciences/Non-fiction books Other
services |
Language instruction
Career/Experience |
30 years of practical experience as a translator, interpreter and language teacher specialized in scientific and technical text and novels, as well as special matters, as there are: Astrophysics, Physics and Chemistry, Diving, Electrics, Electronics, Cinema, Medicine, Music and Politics. Specialist for book translations. Translating Spanish and English into German, and also German and Spanish into English; proofreading German and Spanish. Specialized in translation of novels of any kind, especially science fiction, crime and politics.
services |
Prices depends on how long the translated text is: For short text we charge 0.04 € per word (about 5 American cents), for longer text, depending on the complexity 0.025 or 0.03 € per word (3 to 4 American Cents). For long texts we also offer an agreed (reduced) global price. Technical text with complicated software is more expensive (0.04-0.06 €)
Keywords |
Übersetzer für Romane, besonders wissenschaftliche Themen, Science Fiction, Kriminalromane sowie alle Art von Textbücher und politische Artikel.
language/Country |
/ Thailand
combinations |
English > German
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading
English > Spanish
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading
German > English
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading
German > Spanish
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading
Spanish > English
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading
Spanish > German
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Proofreading