> Slovene
- Translating - Proofreading - Voiceover
> Slovene
- Translating - Proofreading
Direct translation contracts:
1. Court of Justice of the EU (legal translations since 2005)
2. European Central Bank (2 contracts, 1 for economic/financial texts since 2018 and 1 for legal texts since 2019)
3. German company - POS terminals (since 2018)
Translation via translation agencies:
1. European Commission (since 2018)
2. OJ S tenders (since 2018)
3. Online securities trading platform (since 2018)
4. Microsoft content (since 2019)
For more information on my performance, see my ... profile at: http://www.....com/profile/2501197
Certification / Accreditation
French >
Sworn translator