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English>French>Serbian>Croatian>Bosnian>Any translation



Native language




Marketing / Financial
Arts / Entertainment



Microsoft Office



   Career / Experience


Bosnian > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

Croatian > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

English > Croatian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

English > French
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

English > Bosnian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

English > Serbian
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

French > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)

Serbian > English
  - Translating
  - Interpreting (cons.)
  - Interpreting (simult.)
  - Proofreading
  - Voiceover
  - Copywriting

Master in Languages and Anglo-Saxon culture I am comfortable and passionate with languages.
A 2 years long experience as a translator and interpreter strengthened even more my interest into languages and translating techniques.

Working for a French Association of Pharmacy Technicians evolving into a European one I have translated from French into English the European Status of the latter.

Also working as an interpreter for an Association welcoming worldwide new comers, I have been in charge with translating classes about French history, law, institutions and everyday life customs.

I am motivated and quite fast even if I'd rather take more time and do a good job. But finally satisfaction and quality are entirely reached.


   Pricing / Other services


I am available for translating documents from English to French, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian, from French into English, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian and so on.

I can also interpret simultaneously in any of these previously quoted languages.

My price as a translator is: 50 euros /page (depending on the type of work/ price to be discussed)

My price as a translator is: 100 euro/day

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