> Spanish
- Translating - Proofreading
> Spanish
- Translating - Proofreading
> Spanish
- Translating - Proofreading
> Catalan
- Translating - Interpreting (cons.) - Interpreting (simult.) - Proofreading - Voiceover - Copywriting
November – December 2004: Square-Enix Europe, London
Localisation Technician / Games Tester
•Checking the translations into Spanish of Console Games.
November 2004: Richard Rogers Partnership, London
Spanish and Catalan Translator
September’04: Publicis Blueprint Language Agency, London
Catalan Editor
•Editing in QuarkXPress the translation into Catalan of VisitBritain Guide
August 2004: MedTran, Fieldwork International, London
Translation Agency Co-ordinator
(Market research Company, specialising in medical and pharmaceutical studies).
•Recruiting translators
•Co-ordination of projects
February - June 2004: LanguageLeader, WorldOne Research, London
Translation Agency Manager
International market research Company based in the City.
•Day to day management of assigned projects, including liaison with clients and developers, project scheduling, human resource allocation
•Negotiation of project deadlines with client
•Maintenance of individual project budgets
•Preparation and issuing of quotes
•Preparation of vendor purchase orders
•Ensuring all project deliverables comply with company and client quality standards
Freelance translation:
Into Spanish:
June’04-Today:Freelance work for Lingo24 Translation Agency, Aberdeen, UK.
August 2004:Translation of Software Nero 6 Box for Spain, Tekoem, Barcelona, Spain.
January ’04: From English. Documentation and release forms for Ollie Tait Productions, London, UK.
December’03: From English. Brief for Superscape Movie- Cannes 2004. For Mapa Productions, Barcelona.
Summer’02: From English and French. Architectural books for Links Books, Barcelona.
Into Catalan:
December ’03: From English. Opinion article for Daniel Patrick Welch website.’cat.htm
April 2002: From Spanish. Building projects for Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC), Madrid.
Into English:
October ‘03: From Spanish. Final Report for the Closing Ceremony for the Police and Fire Games, Barcelona 2003. For Mapa Productions, Barcelona.
January-June 2002: Page setting books and translating in a publisher’s house, Ara Llibres, Barcelona.
April –December’97: Page setting books in a publisher’s house, Quaderns Crema, Barcelona.
Pricing / Other services
Translation: £ 62 per 1000 words
£20 minimum
Proofreading: £20 per hour