Literary translation



Literary translation is anything but simple




Literary translation is anything but simple.


Literary translation is artistic (recreative) expression

Literary translation is anything but simple


Literary translation is an exacting art that demands creative expression, philological precision and knowledge of social and cultural contexts.

The translator's task is broad and complex. It bridges disciplines and cultures.

Literary translation and communication between cultures

If one wishes to get to know a culture, two options are available: either one learns the language (of course language teaching is subject to limitations, simply because there are so many languages to learn them all), or one reads the literature in translation. So literary translation (the artistic, recreative transferral of sense and sound from one language to another and from one cultural context to another) will continue to be the most important channel of communication between cultures.

Literary translation as a mirror of the social and cultural relationships

The art and craft of literary translators are of particular importance because literature is a mirror of the social and cultural relationships.

Literary translations expand the horizons of the humanistic endeavor

When works of literature are translated from a foreign language, the readers of the translated book are enabled to achieve insight into the social and cultural conditions of that foreign nation: In profound and unique ways, translators expand the horizons of the humanistic endeavor.


Literary translation and literary translators

Links to literary translators, poetry translators, translators of imginative literature (novel, poem, play, short story, or arts and entertainment):

List of literary translators and/or poetry translators

List of literary translators and/or poetry translators

List of literary translators and/or poetry translators

List of literary translators and/or poetry translators


The process of literary translation

Translation of literature is anything but simple. The process of literary translation is the most intense way to come to terms with the complexities of meaning and estetic form of any literary text.

Finding the best English equivalent

To wrestle with the challenge of finding the best English equivalent you may contact your colleagues:
Go to Conges or Translators help Translators in the TRADUguide directory of translators.


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translator English-German more than 15 years of experience

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since Feb. 2014




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