Posted: 17 months ago
Englisch > Deutsch: Sachliteratur - Sozialkritische Gesellschaftsthemen - ca. 180 Seiten
Sozialkritische Gesellschaftsthemen
Ca. 180 Seiten
Terminwunsch: 2 Monate
African Americans have come a long way carrying along, a troubling history that has impregnated and shaped their lives though history. They are still being hunted till date by the past and present enemy being the white American or to say fairly some of the white Americans. Though the present generation of African Americans is vaguely aware of the past because they were never taught to them in schools, leaving them partially or fully unaware of the struggles of their forefathers, however, the truth of the currents situation of racial discrimination still hunts them like their stubborn shadow.
The prejudice and unjustified killings of African Americans continues even till date. Acts of killings and torture perpetuated even by the police force which is supposed to protect the citizen of the country or are blacks ruled out from the citizenship? How can Black Americans even feel safe in their own country when the very forces that are supposed to protect them become the enemy and a threat to their lives. Blacks are targets of civil killings and police brutality, a situation which leaves them insecure and fearful for their lives in a country they have grown to know as their own and their homeland. Movements against racial discrimination and all the evil against blacks have been formed and campaigns regularly carried out, i.e. “Black Lives Movement” in America and recently all around the world . Through the media, street demonstrations and various other mediums in an attempt to create awareness, enforce justice and promote peace for the Black Americans but it all doesn't seem to stop the menace and the killing of Blacks. Still Blacks strive, leaving the life they know in fear, “hearts in their mouth” not knowing where the next strike or attack will come from. Is it from the wayward police man on check at check points or will it be from an errant civilian who most probably being discontented with himself seeks out whom he deemed weak enough to lash out his frustration and sadness upon and finds the next possible opportunity to project the vulnerable African American as the easy target. Still the Black man strives hoping for CHANGE.
> German
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