
TRADUguide - Your Guide to Translators and Translation Agencies

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Are you looking for translation jobs?

This is the place - whether you are a freelance translator or represent a translation agency!


Receive job notifications for translators and / or interpreters
and enter your price quote by simple mouse clicks

Translator is looking for jobs

This is how it works...

  • Be notified of requests matching your language pairs and specializations.
  • Check the requests and enter your price quote.
  • Your potential client receives your quote and will contact you should s/he agree to your quote.
  • Enlarge your client base and work truly internationally.


Key features

  • Daily new job requests
  • Automatic job notification of requests in your language pairs and specializations
  • Your own profile page with www address
  • Free listing and profile in the TRADUguide translators directory
  • Free guest membership or paid featured membership with many more benefits
  • Free terminology help with difficult terms

Questions and answers

How does TRADUguide work?

TRADUguide is a platform where translators and their clients meet. The automatic job notification lets you receive translation or interpreting requests in your language pairs and specializations in your email inbox. You click a link in the notification email and are brought to a form page where you can enter your price quote. Should the potential client agree to your quote s/he will contact you directly. Everything else is up to you and your client. There is NO commission for TRADUguide.

Must I become a member to answer a job request?

Yes. We offer a free guest membership. This membership already allows you to send price quotes for job requests. Some requests are limited to featured members for a certain period of time (12 or 24 hours). As soon as this period has elapsed also guest members can send price quotes. The price of a featured membership is US$ 120 for 12 months or US$ 80 for 6 months. Click here to read more about a featured membership.

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Why should I enter all my language pairs in my profile page?

You should select all your working language pairs on your profile page because you will only be notified of those translation requests which match your language pairs and specializations. Otherwise you could lose interesting jobs. Plus, potential clients can find you in the translators directory searching for your language pairs. Please keep your profile up to date.

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Can I send requests to other translators when I wish to outsource a project?

Of course. You only need to enter your request in our easy-to-fill form and your request will be sent to suitable language service providers. Click here to read more.

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What is the Conges Terminology Help?

The Conges Terminology Help is a help feature from and for TRADUguide members. Everytime you find a difficult term during a translation you can ask your colleagues in TRADUguide for help. This is free of charge. But please understand that this is a voluntary service of your colleagues and that there is no guarantee that you will receive an answer.

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