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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators (no agencies please)
Experienced Chinese > English localization linguists wanted (English native only), 12K words, patents, trados
(Job type): Freelance & long term
(Location): Chengdu, China
(Project content): Patents, legal, etc.
1) Mother tongue of the target language (English); Five-plus years' experience in translation and localization;
2) A university degree or higher. Additional experience in specialized fields is an advantage;
3) Proficiency with Translation Memory software – such as Wordfast, MemoQ, SDL Trados, XTM, Across, Xbench, Déjà Vu – preferred;
4) Details-oriented; Strong sense of responsibility; Strong capability to multitask and prioritize, good time management skills; Ability to learn tools quickly.
If you're interested in further information, please send your updated CV and rates.
We'll back to you asap.
Thank you
Example of text:
2. 本驳回决定是针对下列申请文件作出的:原始提交的国际申请的中文文本或中文译文
3. 根据专利法第41条及实施细则第60条的规定,申请人对本驳回决定不服的,可以在收到本决定之日起3个月内向专利局复审和无效审理部请求复审。根据专利法实施细则第96条的规定,复审费应在上述期限内缴纳,期满未缴纳或未缴足的,视为未提出请求。
Specialization required
Language pair(s)
> English
Native language: English
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