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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators (no agencies please)

English > Serbian: Technical translation, 6800 words

Hello, everybody,

I have a concrete order for the language combination English-Serbian.
There are 6,800 new words, the text is available.

If you are interested in the order, please send me your profile and your offer.


Hallo allerseits,

ich habe einen konkreten Auftrag für die Sprachkombination Englisch-Serbisch.
Es sind 6.800 neue Wörter, der Text liegt uns vor.

Sollte Interesse an dem Auftrag bestehen, so bitte ich um Zusendung Ihres Profils und Ihrem Angebot.

Specialization required


Language pair(s)

English > Serbian

About the outsourcer

The outsourcer information has been removed because this job posting has already been closed.

You cannot place a quote anymore because this job posting has already been closed.