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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators (no agencies please)
Mobile app, 554 words; Word or Editor file
App for iOS, strings should be translated into Italian, Arabic and simplified Chinese. Only the second part of the sentence should be translated not the code. The 554 words take only the second part of the sentence into account.
Dead line: 5th of December 2020
DE and FR versions also available.
Example of text:
"unwrap_image_picker_no_image_error" = "The image picker failed to return a image.\nPlease try adding the image again.\nShould the error persist contact support.";
"unwrap_image_picker_too_big_image_error" = "The selected image is larger than 4 Megapixel (2560x1440).\nPlease select a smaller image.";
Specialization required
Language pair(s)
> Chinese
> Italian
> Arabic
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