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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators (no agencies please)

Finnish > English: Linguists specialised in entertainment translations

Dear translator,

Hope this mail finds you well.

I am Claudia and I’m an Assistant Talent Manager at Codex Global, a translation agency based in London. Nice to e-meet you 😊

We may need your help with a project for one of our most important clients. It is a sports betting company, who provided us with an article to be translated from Finnish into English. The article is about the betting situation in the NBA world, influenced by the pandemic.

Upon confirming your interest and availability, would you mind providing us with your translation rates? Also, please briefly describe your experience in the gambling/betting field.

Feel free to share your latest CV with us, as well.

Hope everything is clear.

Should you need anything else please let me know.

Many thanks in advance 😊

Best regards,


Specialization required


Language pair(s)

Finnish > English

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