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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators / translation agencies
Englisch > Deutsch: Roman mit 100.000 Wörtern
Dies ist ein Roman, der 100.000 Wörter beinhaltet.
This is the epic tale of Clement Justus Zurvanian, an adept initiated at a very young age into Mayan religious mysteries. Clement was born to carry the very big burden of observing while acquaintances plot to destroy human civilization, in order to save it, using ancient scientific knowledge and machinery. His is the story of a modern-day Noah.
The story starts with an assassination attempt that sets the tone for a thriller. It then takes a big step back to introduce Clement's Irish family who emigrate to South America during the revolutionary wars and become well established there. Clement's Irish-Basque mother meets a dashing German-Armenian man, and the result is our hero, Clement...
© 2020 R.F. Salazar-Nader
Specialization required
Language pair(s)
> German
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