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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators / translation agencies
Englisch > Deutsch: Moraltheologie, 80-90 Seiten
Thema: Moraltheologie
Umfang: 80-90 Seiten
A paradigm is described as " a framework of thought, a schene for understanding and explaining certain aspects of reality." It refers to how we envisage the place and purpose of human beings in the world.Of course our understanding of reality is always envolving and in that sense paradigms never remain static.Occasionally, however, there are such significant changes in our understanding that we need to abando many of the presuppositions,categories and traditions that have sustained the old paradigms, and establish new ones. This is essentially what has been happening in Catholic theology since the 1940s.
Specialization required
Sciences/Non-fiction books
Language pair(s)
> German
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