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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators / translation agencies

English > Serbian: 400 pages on the subject of theology/philosophy

400 pages on the subject of theology/philosophy until October 1, 2024.

I have tested my ideas and arguments with some of the brightest atheist minds in the world. I have debated prominent atheist academics and thinkers from a wide range of intellectual backgrounds. Some of my interlocutors have been Professor Simon Blackburn, Dr. Brendan Larvor, Dr. Stephen Law, Professor Richard Norman, Dr. Nigel Warburton, Professor Peter Simons, Professor Lawrence Krauss, Professor Graham Thompson, Dr. Peter Cave and Dan Barker. I have even had a brief street discussion with Professor Richard Dawkins, but unfortunately we were interrupted and Dawkins made a quick exit. The topics we have debated range from Can we live better lives
without religion? to Can consciousness be best explained by God’s existence? And Islam or Atheism: Which Makes More Sense?
[3] These debates have facilitated improvements to my arguments.

Specialization required

Sciences/Non-fiction books

Language pair(s)

English > Serbian

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