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Request for translation quotes from freelance translators / translation agencies
Englisch > Deutsch: Übersetzung einer Umfrage für eine Bachelor-Arbeit
Übersetzung einer Umfrage für eine Bachelor-Arbeit.
Skalen zu intrinsischer Motivation im beruflichen Kontext.
My Job is so interesting that it is a motivation in itself.
My job is very exciting.
The tasks that I do at work are enjoyable.
My job is meaningful.
The tasks that I do at work are themselves representing a driving power in my job.
Sometimes I become so inspired by my job that I almost forget everything else around me.
Language pair(s)
> German
About the outsourcer
The outsourcer information has been removed because this job posting has already been closed.
You cannot place a quote anymore because this job posting has already been closed.
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