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Potential request for translation quotes from freelance translators (no agencies please)

German / English > Bulgarian (Native): Automotive translators required

A Chinese translation agency is looking for native Bulgarian translators.

You should fulfil these requirements:
1.Bachelor degree or above
2. You should have some work or translation experience in Automotive area, that is you must be good at translating Automotive projects.
3.As there are many matches parts in our projects, CAT tools are used to keep the consistence of the terminology and thus there is a CAT discount.
4.This is a long term relation, that is there are consecutive projects from us.
5.Usually the CAT tool we use is XLIFF, if you haven't used it before, you should have interest learning it. Trados and other CAT tools are also sometimes used.

Language pair(s)

German > Bulgarian
Native language: Bulgarian
English > Bulgarian
Native language: Bulgarian

About the outsourcer

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