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Need a CV translated and / or edited by an experienced translator? This is the right place!

We pro­vide ac­cu­rate CV trans­la­tions in­to En­glish and all oth­er EU­lan­guag­es. The CV is typ­i­cal­ly the first i­tem that a po­ten­tial em­ploy­er en­coun­ters re­gard­ing the job seek­er and is typ­i­cal­ly used to screen ap­pli­cants. Trans­la­tion of your CV and let­ter of mo­ti­va­tion are com­plex un­der­tak­ings, when seek­ing em­ploy­ment. To be suc­cess­ful with your CV trans­la­tion your CV or cur­ric­u­lum vi­tæ should pro­vide a good o­ver­view of your course of life and qual­i­fi­ca­tions.

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