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Conges terminology question

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196 months ago

Araceli Herrera (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

English > Spanish


Arts / Entertainment

Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

the weight of sykos squash


He moved slowly through the agora, peeking sideways at stacked bronze bracelets, vials of


Más contexto: vials of perfumes, and wagons groaning under the weight of sykos squash.


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Important This question has already been answered and rated. Therefore, no new answers can be given.

Complete list of answers and comments

196 months ago

  See profile wrote:

bajo el peso de calabazas sykos

The asker rated this answer best

196 months ago

Roger Roberto Barbieri Alfaro  See profile wrote:

...el peso de las calabazas de sykos.

My comment:

Se movi� lentamente a trav�s del mercado, mirando a ambos lados de reojo a los brazaletes de bronce apilados, a los frascos de perfume y a las carretas que cruj�an bajo el peso de las calabazas de sykos.