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Conges terminology question

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23 months ago

Rosa (a guest user) asked this question:

Language pair:

French > English



Level of diffculty:

Easy / medium

Word or term in question:

mon parcours d'assuré


In the context of French pensions schemes. For example:

Les missions de l Assurance Maladie vont au-delà du remboursement des soins, du paiement des indemnités journalières et de l avance des frais médicaux.
Avec la marque «Mon parcours d assuré», votre Cpam vous aide aussi à mieux gérer votre santé et vous accompagne tout au long de votre vie, en s appuyant sur des moments clés : l arrivée d un enfant, un déménagement, l invalidité, la perte d un proche Pour toutes ces situations, la Cpam de la Loire-Atlantique a développé des offres d accompagnement personnalisées. Être acteur de votre santé Votre relation avec l Assurance Maladie a ainsi évolué : vous devenez acteur de votre santé et notre posture d assureur solidaire en santé se confirme. La marque «Mon parcours d assuré» est le gage de cette nouvelle relation


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Important This question has already been answered and rated. Therefore, no new answers can be given.

Complete list of answers and comments

23 months ago

Charles Ferguson  See profile wrote:

My Health Insurance History.

My comment:

I prefer "my" to "your" as the information sought is very personal.

My references:


Comments by other colleagues on this answer:

23 months ago

martynback  See profile wrote:

But the parcours isn't really information sought, it's more a concept of a timeline of interventions by the CPAM.

23 months ago

martynback  See profile wrote:

I agree Health Insurance is better than Social Security though.

The asker rated this answer best

23 months ago

martynback  See profile wrote:


My comment:

Or "my social security history" - but we tend not to use the "my" form in such contexts.

What it means is that they support you at key points in your life, such as when you have kids, move house or get sick.

You could also say "Your history as a Social Security recipient".

Personally I think "YOUR HISTORY" is enough, and what you would likely see on a similar platform in English.